Green Up Saint Paul!

Replant the Urban Forest  |  Support Youth Employment  |  Build Climate Resiliency

Help replant and protect our urban forest from the devastating effects of Emerald Ash Borer, which has wiped out 25% of Saint Paul trees. You can see the tree loss everywhere. Saint Paul Forestry is replacing all the missing trees on city streets, residential boulevards and in our parks. Your gift at any level matches local, state and federal funds to get diseased trees replaced even faster.

You can make a difference and green up our city with your gift today.

Gifts of $100 or greater can be recognized with an electronic email message to your loved one letting them know that somewhere in this great city, a tree was planted in their name.*

*To plant the tree of your choice in a specific location in honor of someone, check out our Tree Dedication Program.

Help Hire Water Warriors

New trees need careful watering to get well established – especially in these drought conditions. Green Up Saint Paul funds will also be used to hire youth workers through the City’s Right Track program and provide them with the equipment needed to water those new trees.



Who Remembers Dutch elm disease?

Starting in the 1960s Dutch Elm Disease wiped out boulevard trees across the nation. At that time, Elms made up 50% of Saint Paul’s urban tree canopy. Saint Paul Forestry replanted with more variety, but residents still loved the look of having all the trees on a street match. (Which led to all those Ash trees).

In the face of modern climate threats, urban forestry is about diversity – making sure that no one species being planted is such a significant percentage of our city tree canopy.