Dedicated Volunteer Gardeners

To our talented Gardeners thank you for your work and dedication!

Ann Kreiser

Amy Borgeson

Beth & Tom Lorentz

Bill Hanley

Cathy Folland

Christopher Smith

Colleen Fodness

Crystal Meriwether

Davian Stark

David Litfin

Dirk McAnelly

Gary Gilbertson

Georgia Ziegler

Geruth Buetow

Holly Backus

Jeffrey Hunsinger

Jessica Austin

Jolene Butzke

Judy Davis

Kate Manning

Larry Wick

Laura Villa

Linda Kohl

Linda Valeri

Lori Hanley

Lori Lifto

Lory Perryman

Maria Engen

Marilyn Amundson

Mark Champagne

Maureen Panke

Michelle McAnelly

Michelle Stinson Ross

Nancy Tracy

Pamela Converse

Paula Neuman-Scott

Robert & Myles Edwards

Sara Kendall

Sara Bunn

Susan Larson

Vicki & Peter Dimock Nauschultz

Vicki Schiller

Wolf Schiller

Todd Wanshura

A special Thank You to the
Saint Paul Downtown Alliance
for being our Platinum Sponsor!

Like so many of our volunteers, there’s more than one way to help in MearsPark!

​You can be a volunteer waterer, weeder or serve on the Lowertown Community Clean-up Crew.

​If you are interested in volunteering, whether once or on-going, please send an email to

Like so many of our volunteers, there’s more than one way to help in MearsPark!

​You can be a volunteer waterer, weeder or serve on the Lowertown Community Clean-up Crew.

​If you are interested in volunteering, whether once or on-going, please send an email to

Nancy has such beautiful color and texture in her gardens! So pretty!

Our beautiful gardens are the host for many great events like Lowertown Sounds which provides fantastic music every Thursday evening through the entire Summer!

People and fur babies of all ages enjoy getting together as a community to dance, eat food truck delights and dancing to the tunes the bands play.

Lory’s photo was taken in June 2019, this is her second year as a gardener. Like many of us she is still figuring out what to put where to compliment aquired perennials. The Maidenhair Ferns are so beautiful and taking hold nicely!

Kelly & Chris’ garden is near the southeast section of the park. Will spring hurry and get here so we can get digging…

© 2019 by Friends of Mears Park